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Brandon Peffer
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The inside look... 

Flatwoods, Kentucky (Love the Bluegrass State)
November 7
Graduated from Russell High School. I wasn't a big fan of High School because I was kind of geeky. I moved on to Kentucky Christian College, which was a great experience for me. There, I made friends that will last a lifetime.
I have 2 of the best parents in the entire world. Mom and Dad have always been there for me and encouraged me to pursue my dreams. They slip me some cash every now and then too. I have one brother, Shane, who beat me up quite often but I still love him. I can't forget Foster, he is our family Dog and I must list him as part of the family.
Foster - half Cocker Spaniel and half Red-nosed Beagle, lives in Kentucky with my parents. Jackson - terrier mix, lives with us in Nashville.
Favorite Bible Scripture:
Luke 9:23-24; Book of James
Spiritual Influence:
My parents are wonderful role models in my life. I have to say many people at my home church, Russell Christian Church. Not to mention other artists here in Nashville that help me strive to learn more and more about Jesus.
Last Book Read:
Purpose Driven Life - it's great!
Hymn Most Associated With the Church:
I Surrender All
First Live Performance:
My first live performance was when I was 5.  I sang for the the church at Christmas.  "Away in a Manger."  Haven't stopped since.
I'd be rich if I had a quarter for every time I was told:
"Quit acting stupid!"
"No more tap dancing."
If I weren't a singer I would be:
An FBI agent, an Undercover Agent like in Mission Impossible

Musical Influence:
I love folk music, such as, James Taylor, the Indigo Girls, Joni Mitchell, and others. I listen to Christian singsers like Avalon, DC Talk, Caedmons Call, and Truth for vocal influences.

What is in your CD player right now:
I have a five disk changer. Mindy Smith (a local Nashvillian), Elizabeth Foster, James Taylor, Indigo Girls, and The Swift.

Song I Wish I Had Written:

Testify to Love

Favorite Book:

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala

I enjoy sports, mainly soccer and tennis. I love to run and exercise. I paint and draw when I need to relax and relieve stress. My favorite thing to do is watch the Discovery Channel and The Learning Channel. I love those wildlife animal specials!

Favorite Place to Shop:
I like to shop anywhere that has inexpensive clothes that look good. I am a big fan of Goodwill, Smack, Structure, Value City, and Gabriel Brothers.

Favorite Restuarant:

First Aspired to be:



"Ignorance is Bliss!"
"Those who fail to plan...plan to fail."
"Marry the first time for money,the second time for love." - Ashley's Grandma

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